ID: 10503
Profoto, God
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Profoto, God
Profoto B1 location kit inkl. Canon Air Remote og 4 batterier.
Kommer med to specialdesignede kasser for lettere transport.
Nypris for det samlede sæt = 34.500 kr
Cordless design and wireless controls allows you to shoot without any restraints.
Interchangeable, integrated battery provides up to 220 full-power flashes and tens of thousands at lowest power.
500 Ws adjustable in 1/10 f-stop increments over a 9 f-stop power range give you both power and precise control.
Fires up to 20 flashes a second with flash durations as short as 1/19,000 of a second.
Patent-pending Profoto HSS is fast enough to keep up with your camera, 10 times as powerful as your average speedlight, and extremely consistent.